
Responsibilities of a Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking
February 3, 2020

Hosting a PEER Apprentice

An apprenticeship is an exciting time for a fledgling tradesperson who is embarking on a career in the trades. Being new to the industry means that introduction to safety requirements is a shared responsibility between the Group Training Organisation (GTO), such as PEER, and the host employer. A PCBU (Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking) is someone who has the responsibility for the health, safety, and wellbeing of the employees of the business. This is usually someone such as the director or CEO of a large company down to the owner of a sole trading business. With that position, there are very specific requirements under the Work Health Safety Legislation to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all workers in that organisation. Workers include everyone from employees to volunteers and includes apprentices, trainees, and persons on work experience.

Requirements include:

  • providing the worker/s with a site specific safety induction outlining WHS duties, policies, procedures and practices in the workplace including consultation methods
  • where WHS advice or workplace assessments are required, ensuring the persons engaged to conduct those assessments are suitably qualified
  • treating GTO apprentices and trainees as you would employees and other workers with respect to health and safety and the provision of a safe working environment and PPE
  • providing adequate supervision of GTO apprentices and trainees at all times to ensure that work is being performed safely
  • consulting with the GTO and workers regarding any changes which may affect WHS.
  • encouraging GTO apprentices and trainees to participate in the identification of hazards and risks specific to their work
  • supporting and encouraging GTO apprentices and trainees to participate in workplace safety consultative arrangements
  • working with the GTO to facilitate appropriate WHS arrangements. For example, allow the GTO access to workers, the workplace and relevant documents for the purpose of workplace safety assessments and to fulfil their WHS duties as a PCBU of the GTO
  • facilitating any assessments conducted by the GTO, for example, WHS management assessments or work site assessments
  • providing any further training, instruction or information prior to transferring a GTO apprentice or trainee to new tasks, in a way that is suitable, adequate and readily understandable to the worker, and
  • in the event of an incident, notify the GTO as soon as practicable and working with them to implement agreed arrangements.

We are striving to make worksites safe for everyone. If you have any queries or need assistance in ensuring you are meeting your obligations under legislation, please don’t hesitate to contact our WHS Advisor on (08) 8348 1243 or email us at safety@peer.com.au.


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