The Shipbuilding Employment Pathways (SEP) pilot initiative is positioned to attract and recruit apprentices in critical trades to increase Australia’s domestic skilled labour supply within the nuclear powered submarine and naval shipbuilding and sustainment industries. The 4-year program will offer apprentices nationally accredited training delivered by TAFE SA and placements with host employers in the nuclear powered submarine and naval shipbuilding and sustainment enterprises, including supply chains, across the following trades:
(i) Engineering – Fabrication;
(ii) Engineering – Mechanical; or
(iii) Electrotechnology – Electrician
Apprentices will graduate with a nationally recognised qualification in their chosen trade, as well as unique experiences and non-accredited training offered only to nuclear powered submarine and naval shipbuilding and sustainment Pathway program participants.
As the Group Training Organisation, PEER will employ and manage apprentices and facilitate host placements and non-accredited training for the SEP.