School-based Apprentice
What does a school-based apprenticeship involve?
A school-based apprenticeship is a part-time apprenticeship that commences in Years 10, 11 or 12 and can count towards a students SACE.
It is a combination of:
- ๎Paid employment with a host employer
- ๎Core SACE secondary subjects at school
- ๎Trade school
Benefits of taking on a school-based apprentice
- ๎Access young enthusiastic workers before they enter the open job market
- ๎Part-time apprentices, who may be available for extra hours over school holidays
- ๎Encourage a young person to stay at school while also learning a trade
If youโre looking to take on an apprentice, now is the time to trial a work experience student
Students will spend time at your workplace each week and spend the remaining days at trade school and high school. This can be negotiated with the school and student.ย
PEER takes care of:
- ๎Uniform and safety gear
- ๎Apprentice tool kits
- ๎Trade school scheduling
- ๎Trade school fees and wages for attendance
- ๎Admin and paper work
- ๎Leave entitlements
Talk to us about school-based apprentices:
08 8348 1200